We're on a mission to inspire teen girls to explore STEM careers

Nearly 50% of women in STEM drop out within 10 years of joining the workforce

The number of women pursuing STEM decreases at each stage from education to the workforce, starting as early as middle school STEM fields while encouraging boys to choose STEM.

This is called the leaky pipeline.

Leaky pipeline is the phenomenon in which our beliefs about gender difference in academic subject performance pushes girls out of the STEM fields while encouraging boys to choose STEM.

Leaky Pipeline Infographic

Ask Nina AI addresses the challenges of the leaky pipeline for women in STEM by:

  1. Providing information: brain-expanding insights to STEM careers and success stories of real women in STEM to keep you inspired.
  2. Offering guidance: Ask Nina AI can answer your questions, provide advice on career paths, and suggest opportunities for further learning.
  3. Build a community: Ask Nina AI can connect you with like-minded individuals, mentors, and STEM professionals to create a supportive network.
Ask Nina AI by the numbers


Girls uplifted


Hours on platform


Countries reached
What Girls Are Asking

In Fancy PR Speak

Ask Nina AI is a disruptive agentic AI designed to empower and inspire the next generation of world changers: girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
In its first 30 days, Ask Nina AI has reached girls in more than 30 countries who have logged nearly 1,500 hours of conversations with the tool.
Unlike traditional search engines and other increasingly popular AI tools, Ask Nina AI is built with a deep understanding of how women and girls interact with and use the internet, in other words designed by women for women.
Leaky Pipeline Infographic
Meet the Team
Anamita Guha
Anamita Guha
Favorite STEM subject: Cognitive Science
Srishti Nath
Srishti Nath
Founding Engineer
Favorite STEM subject: Math
Maddie Sellergen
Maddie Sellergen
Digital Strategist
Favorite STEM subject: Geology
Former Student Contributors
Ying W.
Cornell University, Class of 2024
Favorite STEM subject: Artificial Intelligence
XiLin C.
University of California, Berkeley, Class of 2024
Favorite STEM subject: Psychology
Claire W.
HS Student in San Diego, CA
Favorite STEM subject: Chemistry
© 2024 Ask Nina AI